22 Oct 2007

On Strike

German train drivers want more money which makes commuting more thrilling than it already is. A 30 hrs strike is planned this week - and people like me just hope that this is the final show down, before a settlement is finally reached with Deutsche Bahn. (see FTD) Maybe what we'll see also is the show down of the professional category train driver as fully automized trains without any personnel are just getting a free image boost.
A different strike is on the cards in Hollywood: The Writers Guild of America warned studios and networks that TV writers will take resolute action, if they are denied a doubling of DVD residuals. The Time magazine already drew up some implications for viewers:
1) A heavy dose of reality and game shows
2) Late-night ad libs
3) The British Invasion through BBC imports
4) Developing newbies
5) Reruns
That was for TV, the implications for movies would not become visible before 2009
1) Mass immigration of writers
2) More bad movies get a shot
3) Doc stocks: More documentaries
4) Theaters go live
- - Sounds like an interesting experiment to me! Also some advertisers will be open to experiment as some of their TV spending is free to go elsewhere. My, and the TV writers themselves will suddenly have time for brainstorming.
Come to think of it, there are a lot of fields were a little push (or strike) might be all that is needed to unleash creative energy and a wealth of new options. Want to know where strikes are needed most? Check out the discussion at brainR.de (German) and brainreactions.net and take part in brainstorming!

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