21 Oct 2007


Read an article in Harvard Business Manager ("Was Mitarbeiter wirklich denken") on what motivates people to work efficiently, creatively and with team spirit. Focus was on the role that emotions play. Not surprisingly, the field research proved that emotions have a significant impact. - Especially, reaching a goal lifts the spirits. Even 1-2 days after being especially happy with one's work and the atmosphere, people work more creatively. On the other hand, employees were not creative on days that involved anger and frustration. So is the takeaway that companies and bosses should make happy employees their priority? Well, I like that message. And the article had some hints how to achieve that, too. But there will always be occasions for unhappiness, plenty of them. How to get out of this boat? Think of what happens if you become aware of how much you are guided by feeble emotions. I bet the survey results would look different. If one could simply be astonished, when the usual reaction would be disappointment, frustration, sadness. I am not quite there...But for a start, here is my blog about astonishing things & light bulb moments. See how this works out...

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