31 Aug 2008

Futurist Associations

Some time ago I made a little overview on networks/associations for futurists. Maybe helpful also for others:

  • International Institute of Forecasters. http://forecasters.org/ – Membership is $120 a year with the benefit of getting their “Journal of Forecasting”, their newsletter (called Oracle) and the magazine “Foresight” for free. (see index here http://forecasters.org/foresight/index.html) They have an annual conference with high-profile speakers. On the whole maybe a bit scholarly, but certainly interesting!
  • Association of Professional Futurists (http://www.profuturists.org/) - “Our members provide a unique perspective to anticipate and influence the future. We provide network and community building opportunities for best practice sharing and professional growth. We are setting the standard of excellence for professional futurists.” Membership is $195 or $500 for the whole organization.” They are also interesting, but maybe more so for someone in U.S., in order to benefit from their community and teaching offers (they are based in Waltham, Massachusetts).
  • World Future Society (http://www.wfs.org/ ). Membership is only $49 a year. Members have several benefits in the form of a newsletter (Futurist Update), the bimonthly magazine “The Futurist” – seems to be widely read by foresight producing people - , the quarterly research publication “Futures Research Quarterly” and discounts on events and conferences. – Probably the association with best value for money :-)
  • European Futurist Conference (http://www.european-futurists.org/) is not an association, but a conference - next time end of October 2008 in Lucerne. The member list of the advisory board that organizes the conference reads like a Who’s Who of European trend researchers and foresight consultancies. (see http://www.european-futurists.org/wEnglisch/who_we_are/adwisory_board.php). Attending the conference does not come cheap, though: It would cost 1200€ to attend both days (see program here) .

Do you know of other transnational networks for mingling with futurists? Let me know!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have a look at The Foresight Network - http://shapingtomorrow.ning.com.