18 Jul 2008

What if Ikea ran an airport...

Cracked.com ran a photoshop contest, asking what everyday household objects would look like if Batman was put in charge of the design. This coffee-maker is one of the 20 best suggestions - see them all here.

I found similar mix-it ideas at a Wikinomics posting. What if the US government was run by Apple? One of the suggestions: “In God We Trust” would be changed to “Getting Things Done”.
What if the United Nations were run by Google? "The Kyoto Protocol would be restructured with targets for member nations tied to the number of servers each country possesses. " Not bad.
Man, I like this game! What about a batman themed hairdresser? Bat-shaped mirrors and chairs, black dyes only, rubber gowns,... What if Ikea ran an airport? DIY security check, a place with toys in every departure lounge - see more suggestions at the brainr I created. How about a World of Warcraft fitness studio? Now that one reminds me of the "Jedi Gym" featured in a YouTube video:

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